Saturday, January 30, 2010
Pasture treats.....
I just got back from the barn... I had no peppermints with, I gave Comanche' some oatmeal with brown sugar from one of those little packets... I keep things like that with me in the car, since I do a home nursing case and have to take something with me for breakfast or lunch. Comanche' seemed to enjoy the brown sugar part, especially!!!.... I didn't enjoy my sticky fingers, though.... I had to keep Scarlett, the enforcer, from getting between me and my own diva girl... and that was a trial, to say the least... but, we succeeded in finishing the packet... My Comanche' is a wily keeping her from food!!!...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lousy weather......
I really can't complain much... the weather here is usually very good...especially for riding your horses.... but today , the clouds are very low and gray, and its spitting snow here on the western side of the Sandia Mountains.... over in Edgewood... east of the mountains...its snowing, reported by a friend of mine, Debbie..... she was watching her three horses go bananas when a snowplow was clearing her street.... She said, "at least it will make them move around and keep warm"..... so, I am at the library in Rio Rancho, using the computer since my laptop is still not functioning.... I am hoping soon that I can get that accomplished. Pics are waiting in line to be posted, but I don't have a way to do it here, at the moment... but, spring will soon be here...and I am hoping that I can catch Comanche' and the other mares, out in their corral...enjoying the sunshine that will maybe show up before long!!... I went to visit Pony Girl Rides, and see that she's going to try out Saddleseat.... she had a pic of an appaloosa doing it from an old appaloosa magazine..... Hey...these horses are incredible...they can do just about anything you ask of them..... Have a wonderful day, Y'all... my minutes are fast closing in on the library computer.... Keep me in your prayers!!!.... me and the Comanche' diva.... LOL....
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Laptop burnout.......
Ok, People!!!...... I am now getting online via the public library. My laptop has been diagnosed with terminal hard drive failure, which is going to cost me in the range of 265 dollars to replace, along with the diagnostic charge. I am going to use this means until the laptop is fixed to keep up with my fellow favorite bloggers and hopefully, keep my own story continuing. Bear with me!!!!...... The other day, I spent a little bit of time with my sweet Comanche' girl, and since I did not have any peppermints, her favorite, with me... I thought I would try some ginger cat cookies.... she took the first one, but apparently, the "sting" that hits your tongue was not up to her tastes. LOL..... she kept sniffing the second ginger cookie as if it might turn into a peppermint if she sniffed long enough........but, was not meant to be............ Poor girl.... I'll have to take her some of the good stuff she likes to make up for my feeble attempt at pleasing her........ Catch y'all later!!!..... I only have an hour allowed here at the Public Library online................
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Laptops are a misnomer......
I found out that the word, a misnomer, when I took mine to the computer repair store. The techie there informed me that its actually a "notebook" and to prevent damage to the delicate little parts involved in the hard drive, you must NOT assume that it can be sat on your lap, your bedcovers and or, pillows... tilted as you lay back against said pillows, etc. ..... A bit of information a little late, I must report. Now, it seems as if there is something rattling around inside my computer case....and its probably going to cost something that I would prefer not to have to pay....but, posting at Kinko's is getting expensive, and I am missing my daily fix of research online, for various interests.... and of course, reading the exploits of my fellow bloggers... hopefully, once I get into the schedule.... who knew that a computer repair place would have a 3 or four day waiting period.... must be a lot of Laptops out there like me..... and a steady supply of misnomered folks who have a broken notebook.......... ah alas.......we loved you well...... This techie also told me that if your repair is ever more than half of what a new one would cost, then, don't repair....get a new one...... nice to know someone has some real honesty in his work...... Comanche' is sunning out in the pasture today with the other mares at her stable...We had snow yesterday, but lightly on the west side of the Sandias.... the other side has about 6 inches at least... Hope you all keep warm!!!!...... I bought firewood today to throw into my little kiva fireplace and last night I had a small fire with my antique rocker inched right up to the fireplace to enjoy the warmth. Its tempting to roast a few marshmellows... I may try that tonight. I have some spiced apple cider that I bought at Trader Joe's and its really good warmed up. Keeps your hands warm and your tummy as well. The wind today is sharp....nearly blew my little knit tam off my head when I got out of the car a little while ago. I will post some pics of Comanche' and her girlfriends in the pasture soon. Hang in there!!!... Spring is coming soon!!!!......
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Laptop Down!!!
I am having to blog from Kinko's today...hopefully, I will soon have my laptop back in died the blue screen of death.... windows wouldn't even pop up.... Have a great one y'all!!... I'll be back soon... found my redo disc this morning, so hopefully I can get back here real soon!!!... keep checking in!!!... I will return as General Patten said.... LOVE Y"ALL!!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I Got My Cowgirl On Early...............
Here I am, about 2 years of age..... you notice the boots...the fringe...and the hat?..... Yep... I'm still partial to fringe, boots and cowgirl hats.... Those were red boots, by the way. Still love red boots and own a pair to this day. The pistol....that I seemed to have a bead on the photographer with..... was probably horn handled.... Don't own one of those today. But, I could still hit something if need be. My grandfather taught the kids to shoot a beebee gun....and a 22 rifle ....we would set up tin cans and blow them to smittereens... we weren't into hunting or hurting wildlife...just cans. I love this little pic though..... I had that "I'll drop you in your tracks" look down pat!...........LOL..............
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Snow Ice Cream...........................
I admit it..... I have been blog surfing... I love to read PonyGirlRidesAgain entries... there's always beautiful pictures.... making me wish I had a nice little Nikon camera myself.... and I like to visit LaughingOrcaRanch... to see just what those chickens are doing up there in Tijeras....plotting world domination, no doubt...... This morning... I saw that Lisa had made snow ice cream...... oh... I love that stuff!!! My grandmother used to make it for me back home in Tennessee, when I was a kid... not that it happened often...because we seldom got snow in my area of Tennessee.... being right on the border of Georgia and Alabama... but, it was a real treat, especially being so rare of one... We didn't get enough snow here in the Albuquerque area... because, for some strange reason... it seldom snows on the west side of the Sandias.... but, it always hits the east side and Tijeras . So, I envy the thought of snow ice cream this morning... I do hope Y'all enjoy it!!! I'm heading out to see Comanche' in a bit... after I go do a few things that need doing. I finally have my own car back after it has been in a garage getting a new engine... now, I have to get that garage oily smell out of there.... I bought lavender smelly stuff to put in the dash... but, eventually.. I will have to shampoo the upholstery..and the carpet. Oh well... spring cleaning will come early this year, as soon as its warm enough to dry quickly. Its a beautiful blue sky day here..... but still a bit chilly. Maybe I can sneak up to Tijeras for a bit of snow.... and make my own ice cream.....
Monday, January 4, 2010
Boarding at the Stable....
Pony Girl asked if I boarded Comanche' at a stable... Yes... she lives in Corrales....a very upscale area of New Mexico...on the edge of Albuquerque.... I live in a very nice area just down the road.. but, they will not allow horses here, even though I have about an acre which is horse fenced... I'm better off in one sense to board, as it lets me come and go as I need to... and still know, that Comanche' will be fed and watered on a regular schedule. She would hate to miss a meal... even a a few hours off... if I had to do it myself. So, she has lots of other horses to talk to...and she'd be very unhappy alone. I used to have her in the back of a place I leased several years ago, and she was very lonely without a companion.... at night, she would move up to the livingroom windows...and peer through the lace curtains to ask.."Why are you and that cat in the lit up barn, and I am out here in the dark alone?.... She'd watch TV thru the windows as well... and when she got sleepy, she'd back her behind up to the wall under the windows so I could watch her back, while she slept. It was so sweet. But, she was always walking the edge of the property, because she could smell other horses up the road, but couldn't see them. I loved having her close enough to see when I walked out of the house, but it was difficult for her. So, now, she lives at a stable that is very convenient for me.. that has a round pen, and an arena, and is right on the canals, where there is access for horses to be ridden on dirt paths. It makes it easier on her that way. Now, if my cowboy ever shows up..... things may change.... LOL.... but, I am not holding my breath in the meantime!!!
My Christmas Horse Angels
Here are a few of the horses that dressed up for Christmas... I am late posting these...but, better late than never!!
Aren't we glad they aren't carnivorous?
When you come right down to it..... isn't it a good thing that our horses are into grass and not into meat?.... I mean... look at the picture I caught of Scarlett, the Missouri foxtrotter, reaching for a bit of dried wildflower... I think I would really flinch at the thought of her mouth coming at me like that!!! In fact, if I give her a horse treat, I'm very conscious of her mouth at my fingers. My Comanche' is very careful to take her treats from my hand so I am not injured. Possibly, she knows that if that should ever happen, then the treats may also disappear?... LOL.. better not chance that, she thinks. Truly, its probably not a good idea, according to the experts to hand feed your horse... but, with mine, once she chomps her peppermint or carrot, or apple slice up, then, she also always wants to reach out and lick my hand, to thank me for her wonderful treat. And, even though its a bit sappy... I let her do it....... kind of makes my whole day..............................
Saturday, January 2, 2010
This is the second day of the rest of 2010.....
The holidays are over.....the eggnog is gone until next year, unless you are one of the few to get the last in the grocery store.. and yet... soon, it will be VALENTINES DAY!!!!............. gee, I think, shortly after THAT, is ST.Patrick's Day.. and then, isn't it Mother's Day/Father's Day... Fourth of July?........ Has it occurred to anyone but me, that this is really some kind of subversive plan by the merchants to drum up business?.. I'd already begun seeing the heart stuff go up on shelves the day after Christmas. I think I am worn out with the entire celebration mood....... I want to know...where is HORSE DAY????.... Now, I might be able to wrangle up some enthusiasm for that little celebration.... I could make HORSE cookies for my Comanche' and add some chopped up peppermint, naturally, since she's so particularly fond of those... But, if you think about it...some of the recipes are fit for human consumption also, so I would make mine without peppermint. Its not one of my favorites..which is why Comanche' gets to savor all her candy herself. I don't begrudge her one bit. But, I do like oatmeal cookies. I could make her some little gift also, like decorations for her mane, maybe a little horse medicine bag to tie in her tail, putting some little items in that would aid her in her earth journey, to keep her safe, and her spirit horse happy. Come to think of it... I may celebrate that day with her anyhow............ just as soon as it gets a little warmer. I'm a little chilly right now.
Friday, January 1, 2010
The Dawn of a New Decade!!!
Well... we are now in the new year 2010.... doesn't that make you think of old space movies?... somewhere, I hear the faint melody of Major Tom.... a space odyssey..... I never watched that movie all the way through, come to think of, I am not sure how it turned out. But, way back in the day... when I actually saw the first TV clips of a man "walking" on the moon... (yeah.... I'm old enough to remember the original broadcasts)... don't rub it in, please.... LOL...... anyhow... I never even THOUGHT of the year 2010.... it just never crossed my mind that the year would ever exist in my space......of time..and continuum..... wow...that's weird...... see how easy it just jumps out of your mouth to say these kind of things now?.... Life changes and I suppose, we change with it, without realizing that we are doing just exactly that.... changing.............. One of the things that time rushing that the changes bring us new developments in technology, or medicine... in how we live our day to day lives........ Here's hoping that with all the new changes, that we don't forget some of our old ways of doing things... I still hope that we continue to do the old fashioned things.... to remember to take food to people who have suffered a loss of some kind.. its a sweet and thoughtful gesture of support... or to send a short note of love to our friends that we miss .... even email is better than NO mail.... and, I still love the look of kerosene lamplight... I collect the old ones whenever I find them... I still love the scent and glow of candlelight on a snowy tablecloth... the fireplace roaring on a cold winter night.......or a bonfire in summer with friends sitting around and talking deep into the night. And most of all.......... I still love having my sweet horse greet me when I pull up to the corral.......... she really must love those peppermints.......LOL..................... Have a wonderful New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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