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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

 Well, Comanche got carrots, and more carrots, and, of course, Peppermints!!!!   for her Christmas present.  Also has a new purple halter and lead rope.  She looks so pretty in it.  AND....she knows it.  LOL.... she's such a diva....LOL.... She likes to dress up and have her picture made.  I'm still trying to figure out how to work my digital camera and my new laptop, so, as soon as that's done, there will be new pics.  I've got to get my scd card to transfer into my computer.  The piece you put your card into is too big to fit into my laptop portal.  Now, I have to go ask someone how to do it.   I am definitely not a techie sort.     But, I am so happy my babygirl is now here, where I can visit and see her when I am off work.  I even feel safe at night to visit.  She's at a nice barn.  Its bigger than the one in New Mexico, but I'm meeting a few people here and there, so its been really wonderful.  Hopefully, soon, I will have everything in one place.  I still have to get my things here from storage.  That is our next project.....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Comanche's Here!!!

Comanche' came to Arizona on Saturday, about 4pm.  She came down the ramp of the transport trailer, and looked up, and AROUND....  at all the new places... to see.  She made me think of a tourist at Disney World!.... LOL... she had just plain curiosity.... no fear or spook at anything.  Not even the Air Force jets that were flying overhead.  She walked politely down the side of the barn, skirted the other horses in corrals, and passed daintily down the center aisle, looking around as we walked.  She had a moment of small startle when the corner auto water bowl switched on with the sound of a loud kitchen sink.... but immediately figured out, that she wanted to know what that noise, she eased back up to the water bowl...stuck her nose in...and got another loud water sound... but, she controlled her reaction, and drank from the bowl.  She's a brave little girl... not much makes her afraid.  She's settled in for the past few days, and I've had time to visit a bit.  I wanted her to settle in before taking her out of the corral, and over to the arena.  I figured it would allow her to get some rest and let her legs recover from the long trip.   The transporter had picked her up at 0600 and got her off the trailer at 1600, since he had three other horses to take to Scottsdale, before he brought her to the west side of Phoenix.    I will try and take some pics in the next few days.  I have to set my computer up for pics to be switched around from place to place.    I am just so very happy to have my babygirl with me again.    Shadow D.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comanche's   coming  on Saturday!!!   I'm already dancing up and down!!!     First, one transporter bailed out on Monday, and I didn't get the message until 2 in the afternoon, since I was at work until almost 8pm that day and Tuesday. I've been frantically trying to find someone to bring her to me before the first of December.   Its not going to happen at this point, but  I am too happy to know she'll be here soon to worry about it now.    I'm going shopping for her a new brush and a new halter and lead rope.  My saddle is still in New Mexico in storage, and my horse trailer is there too.  So, I'll drive over once she's here and settled to get those things.  Soon, we'll be posting new pics of her arrival and her new house... !!!     Now.... off to find that feed store............ and find her a new brush!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Comanche's Coming Soon!!!

Finally!....  My babygirl will be here soon.  I'm so excited !   I am still doing my orientation for my new job.  And, I'm still searching for a new place to live closer to the hospital I'll be working for, which is just a few miles from where I will board Comanche'.  So, I'm hoping that the Kitty Sisters and I will be able to locate something that is in the same area as Comanche' so I can stop in and see her on my way t!o and from work.  I've met a few folks there, at the stables.. and they have a lot of barrel racing, team sorting and team penning going on throughout the year.  I think it will be a good place for us to be.  Several of which is covered so it will be cooler in summer to be in shade than in the bright hot sun of summer.  And, there's a lot of trails off road to ride around there, so you don't have to trailer anywhere just to get a little ride , and there's grass turn out pastures available.  She's going to love that!!  Hopefully, she will be picked up in New Mexico on Monday, or Tuesday.  I am just so happy about it!!!  I've missed her so much!...........   Have a great Thanksgiving!..........  Shadow..................

Friday, October 28, 2011

Making the Big Move!!!

I've given notice for the old barn, and have set up the arrangements for the new barn here in Arizona.  Now, all I have to do, is get the transport set up, and have the vet do the coggins and the vet check for state regulations.  Then, my baby girl will be on the road again, for a trip about 8 hours long.  I am so excited!!    I've met a few of the people at the barn, and they seem to be really nice, and friendly.  I am  hoping to get some nice ridiing in the arena at first, and then, learn my way around the area, with Comanche' and a new friend, and her horse.  I think its going to be a good place to board.  Tonight, they are having team penning or team roping, in one of the arenas, of which, there are 3.  One is covered so you can ride in both the rain or in the hot sun of Arizona.  This was one of the big draws for me, since I get so cooked out in the bright sunlight, and the temperature difference is at least 10 degrees lower under some kind of shade.  There's also two big 10 acre grass pasture turn outs, where they reseed the grass every fall and spring, and, that will be something Comanche' will love.  When she lived in Colorado, as a young horse, she thought grass was short and brown, then, she found out in Tennessee, that it was knee high and deep green.  She's never been so glad in her life as to be a horse then.  LOL... now, she's going to be much happier to learn there'll be grass available at the new barn. I know she's missed it.  But, she'll get grass hay, which keeps her nice and calm.  I am not really sure she'd stay as well behaved on anything else.  I just know, that I'm going to lay in some bags of peppermint for her.  She's going to expect it!!!   I plan on getting her here in time for Thanksgiving.  That will be one of my blessings from God... as well as my new job.   Now, all I'll have to find, is a new home for the Kitty Sisters and me.   Keep your fingers crossed!!!..... Happy Trails!!!...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wonderful , Marvelous, Fantastic News!!!

Oh, I am so, very, very grateful...for all my friends prayers and thoughts.  I was just so down in the dumps...things had not been going well, for finding a permanent kind of position as a nurse, since this is a seasonal sort of town.  Phoenix gets so hot, that all the snowbirds leave...and then, the census seems to drop a lot.  But, I am happy to report, that I will soon be employed on staff, at one of the local hospitals. I am just so happy...!  It means, that I will be able to bring Comanche' here, and I'll also have my things out of storage and will be looking for a house to put them into...  I've been in temporary lodgings and its gotten old to not have my own bed.. and not much of a kitchen.  I like to cook, and, if I have friends who are available on my time schedule, I like to invite them for dinner.   Comanche' has always enjoyed my leftover oatmeal with sugar when I'd take it to her on cold mornings.  But, that's as far as cooking went for her, unless I got energetic enough to bake her some horse cookies.  I may post a few recipes soon, for those...    This post is to say, how grateful I am, that God has sustained me, and has provided me a new job.  I hadn't actually applied for the job I've been offered, since it had just been decided to hire for it.   I'd gone in for an interview on another unit, and, wound up getting another interview the next day, for an ICU position.  So, God must have wanted me in this job, than the first one.  All I know, is.... I am just estatic over knowing I will soon have my babygirl back with me, and the Kitty Sisters...   I've talked to a manager at a barn here, who I think will be a good place to board Comanche', and I will have to arrange a Coggins and a vet physical for the health certificate, and find a transporter to bring her to me.  So, I am doing a happy dance!!!.....    PS..... I am so tickled to see, that Pony Girl, has come back to blogging once again, and will enjoy hearing of her adventures, and getting to look at her pictures.  Yehaw!!!.... Cowgirls RULE!!!....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

WhooHoo!!!! Cooler Weather at Last!!!!

Finally!!!........ the horribly hot weather here , in Arizona, has finally departed!.... at last, you can go out for a breath of fresh air...and, its truly fresh!...and, much cooler.  Now, if you'd told me a year ago, that I'd consider 87 degrees, "cooler"... I would have laughed my head off!... but, it is the truth. People ...things like that are relative in comparison to whatever else you've been exposed to, in the meanwhile!.. ..   I am making some slight headway, in finding a permanent job, I am hoping.  Interviewed this past week, for two positions, and I'm hoping to find out this coming week, about the results of those interviews.  If it doesn't work out, I'll still be searching for my forever job, once again.   I am seriously trying to get things to where I will have a place to bring Comanche' to, and, before too much longer has passed.  This has been so hard, not having her with me.  I truly had no idea it would take this long to get her to where I am right now.  I hesitated to bring her into the very hot weather, without her being acclimated, I felt it would be detrimental to her health.  The heat is very wearing, especially without any air conditioning to relieve it.  Poor babies... the horses and other animals have no decision in,  or way to alleviate their own discomfort.  We force them to endure things we couldn't tolerate ourselves.  However, I am looking to find a boarding situation where she will have misters, which do seem to make the air a tiny bit cooler... and, I can see how that would be a relief.    I am looking forward to  reuniting with my four legged baby girl soon.   Trailrides in the desert, await us!.............

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tough Times....

I've been neglecting my blog, since I've got computer problems.  It likes to freeze up on a frequent basis.  I had planned on finding a way to bring Comanche' over to this area, but then, the equine virus closed the borders and I figured she was better off where she'd not be exposed to new horses.  Hopefully, there will be some sort of plan I can come up with before long and we will be together again in the same spot.  I miss her very much.  Say prayers for us, if you are inclined.  I appreciate that! ...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring Shots!!!

The time for shots has come upon us at last..... this spring, in the Western states, there is concern about Equine virus, that caused one horse to be euthanized and another became sick at a national showing.  Protecting your horses from viral diseases, is vitally important, especially if they are taken among a variety of horses, at shows, particularly.  Also, if taken across state lines, it prevents spread of disease. And, saves our horses we love from pain and death.   

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time Flies..........

Hello, My Friends!!!    I've had multiple problems for a while with my laptop, so, I've neglected my blog ...and, so, regretfully, I have not written much for almost a month.   But, I do have some wonderful news in reference to the request for prayer concerning my young friend, who had health problems involving clots that caused a stroke, and she was in a coma, at that time.   I am really excited to tell you, that she shortly came out of the coma, and was taken to an excellent rehab hospital, in Wyoming.   She was proceeding along slowly, but surely, then had some infection issues that put her back into ICU.  Now, however, she is again becoming more and more alert.  Recently, she spoke... and, as if a light had suddenly come on, she recognized her two small boys...and her dear husband, with hugs and tears of joy...........   Its hard for anyone to not recognize God in the middle of THAT!!!    Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for my friend and her family... We all need support sometimes.... and love from total strangers, can make them become part of the family, in our time of need...... Thank you all!!!...  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Do You Play Games With Your Horse?

Recently... I saw the most adorable video on You Tube o a colt that loved to play with his large ball... and, I was reminded of a horse I knew in Colorado, that loved to roll the plastic barrels around in the arena... he'd play alone with one for a while and then...after tiring of that simple play.... he'd put two barrels together with his nose and roll them BOTH around ....and keep the ends in alignment........he had a great time.... by himself...and we'd just stand and watch amazed and laughing at his fun........ But...if you get out there and participate.... I think...that your horse will enjoy the interaction even more than "horseplay" alone........... Have a great day!......

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hello...its been awhile........

Yes.... I've been rather neglectful of my blog.  I am sorry about that. Its that my picture loading has been impaired lately... I really thought that I'd be able to figure out how my new digital camera works..and manage to post pics from the camera. But, alas, I am inept... LOL...   I never promised you a rose garden....   But, I am trying to do this.  Hopefully...I will soon manage to learn the process.    Comanche' has been on my mind a lot... I still have not gotten her transported to Arizona yet.  I miss her so much. But times and money are elusive.... I am also hoping that this will improve soon.  Keep me in your thoughts... and prayers..    Speaking of prayers... I wanted to update you on my friend whose daughter had been struck down with health problems.  Thank God...for He is Powerful!... This young girl...mother of several young children... has improved to where she is out of a coma...and moving her arms and toes... and is headed to a rehab center.... she has health issues still...but they are slowly improving on a daily  basis. I believe sincere prayer is very effective...and, this is proof of it.  Thank you all for your prayers....... 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Working my fingers to the Bone.....

Well... it is very good to have income coming in....but, its time consuming, too.  LOL... so, while I'd rather be a woman to the manor born... and independently wealthy,  ......its not happening here, folks!........   I've been trying to scope out a place for me to find a house to lease, and a new barn for  Comanche'.  First, I will have her transported to be with me, once I do know what area I want to live in....and, then, I'll do what it takes to get a house close by.  I think I've found one that has good grass hay, and a place to ride into the desert, but I don't like that there's no pasture to run in... and that means she would be trapped in a small corral all day and night...unless I can arrange for her to be turned out some each day.  I'm anxiously awaiting her arrival but I have to take care of the details........  Stay tuned!!!..........  Happy TRAILS!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Finding a Soft Spot to Land...............

Well...that title certainly brings images to a rider's mind....that don't seem to occur to a non rider.   I've only fallen off one horse in my entire life..........and, yes, you guessed it.... It was off Comanche'.  Now, it really wasn't her fault.  I was on a bareback pad, and I'd not changed out the Chicago screws to ties when I pulled back on my it came...and I was unbalanced ...not having expected this to happen.  ( Note to self: be prepared from now on)  ... scared the wholly stuffing out of me... and, as I landed...nearly under Comanche's belly...I was terrified I'd be stomped.  But no, my girl was absolutely stock still, and she looked down to say, what are you doing DOWN THERE?????........ I think she was truly surprised.... so, the point of this post prepared for anything!...No horse is truly bomb-proof... and, come to think of it.....neither are we... !    Happy Trails, Y'all!!!...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Missing my Mare.....

I've been waiting to bring Comanche' here to Arizona from New Mexico until I have a better idea of where I will be located in the area.  I'm still looking for just the right spot.  But I may see if I can bring her over to the barn I've found near Cave Creek.  Its a fairly good size with a nice arena and round pen and also desert access to ride for miles... that's a big plus... and plenty of people around to ride with it seems.  So, stay tuned!.. Happy Trails until then!.....

Friday, January 28, 2011

Everyone has a Battle to Fight.........

I've neglected my blog for a while now... Comanche' is still in New Mexico, while I've been here in Phoenix, trying to find a place that I want to work on a permanent sort of basis, rather than agency shift to shift work.  So, I'd kind of run out of things to say... for the moment...  But, a situation has come to mind that makes me want to address it.    I belong to an online site that is for singles who ride horses...  We often get to know people there thru the chatroom, and become true friends in the sense that while we may never meet in person, we do learn about each other's personalities and lives as we type our thoughts into the confines of computer chat.   Many of us have related critical life experiences in there...and we support one another to the best of our abilities.  Distance is a factor that cannot be ignored, but emotional support goes a very long way,and knowing you have friends who care, makes a big difference to all of us.   One of our members has a daughter who has had health issues and subsequent surgeries, back to back...  Currently, she's in a coma, and  we are all praying for her to come out of this well.   Its difficult to know how to support someone who is in this sort of situation, but we do our best to encourage prayer from everyone.  We do know that our God is mighty and able to do miracles.  We are hoping for the best outcome for this....  I believe that prayer warriors are effective, even if they do not know the patient.  So, I humbly ask for any prayers for this young mother ... She is in a dire situation..... We all need prayers from others at some point in our lives........ so, I pray that you also will support her in prayer...  She goes by the nickname Neener...  

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rest in Peace, Gold Dust...............

One of my friends at home in Tennessee...Kathy, lost her palomino, about a week or so ago.  She'd known for about two years that the day was fast approaching, that her trusted horse was getting older..and more tired.  She said that she'd gone out to the pasture..and all the other horses came up for their dinner, but, not her old friend.  She found her, waiting..............    She held  her old friend's head as the vet gave her the shot...... and spoke softly to Dust closed her eyes.........    Its so hard for any of us, who love our animals so much, whether its a dog or a cat, or our horse...... to lose them.  It shatters our hearts..... and, those to whom an animal is only an animal...quickly forgotten or ignored... cannot understand our sincere feelings of loss.  These animals have become part of us, part of our souls... and remain always in their corner of our hearts.  They give unselfishly to us...and make us better people.  We owe them for creating a love in us that is deep and sustaining.... they complete us and open our hearts to compassion and grace.... so that we can go out into the harsh world we sometimes live in....... and then, we come home to this deep well of love, that lets us relax, and soften once their presence.  They teach us how to love.... and, Love is where they return..... Love never ends...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sometimes...Your Friends are Totally Crazy!!!...and, its so much FUN!!!

Yesterday, I went for lunch out in Apache Junction, at a cowboy restaurant/bar... to meet up with some friends that I'd been talking to for the past couple of years online, at Equestriansingles.  ES has been around for 10 years now, and while most of us that belong to that website, and chatroom may never meet face to face, its really a lot of fun to finally do it.  You feel instantly as if you've known these people for years, and in a way, you have, because you've been a part of their lives... revealed in their comments in the chatroom...yet, they are total strangers that you could pass on the street and not recognize them.  But I had a blast yesterday, at this cowboy restaurant,  where people come in dressed in jeans and western shirts and jackets and of course, their trusty riding boots.  They actually have a lot of folks who come to this little jewel, in the desert, called "Filly's"..  where the food is good, even though its simple fixin's..  and, they ride their horses up to the place through the arroyos and cactus of the public lands. The horses all are "parked" at the back of the restaurant, and can be watched through the windows that show the face of the Superstition Mountains....where the "Lost Dutchman" mine is supposed to be ...hidden from view and discovery...    The Mountain a work of art, many curves and deep grooved areas that call to the artist in me, and in fact, I had to take a few pics on my cellphone  as I drove up the road, following my friend, Wind-in-her-hair...... who in another life, is named Becky.  I had such a blast!... we met up with about 10 other people and had a good meal while the band played country music, and folks danced in the front area.  Its not a big place, but usually the outdoor patio is where most wind up ... but, as Phoenix is experiencing a cold snap, everyone opted to stay indoors.  We had a wonderful time, laughing like hyenas....and, we hadn't even been drinking anything other than coca cola... LOL.. I'm not much of a "drinker" anyway. I don't care for wine, other than a really sweet sangria, and ameretto sours are my only real alcohol that I like. Beer is only for cooking a good pot roast, in my view... my paternal grandmother used to say, when offered a beer, was, " No thank you, put it back in the horse".... LOL..  I kind of feel the same.. course, I'm not a coffee drinker either, unless its Kool-aide coffee... lots of sugar, and then, more sugar,...and lots of flavored cream...LOL..  My friends, Jamie, Becky and I, sat and watched a cowboy rush into the bathroom... apparently, he didn't take time to notice, he barged into the female restroom, and not the men's side.  Or, maybe he didn't know the difference between a filly and a colt.  LOL... but it gave US a good belly laugh when he came face to face with a female heading into the "filly" door, just as he was heading out!!!... I kind of think he was a bit just tickled our funny bone, to say the least!...    Happy Trails Y'all........and hope you will have a  wonderful new year!!!!...