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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Finding a Soft Spot to Land...............

Well...that title certainly brings images to a rider's mind....that don't seem to occur to a non rider.   I've only fallen off one horse in my entire life..........and, yes, you guessed it.... It was off Comanche'.  Now, it really wasn't her fault.  I was on a bareback pad, and I'd not changed out the Chicago screws to ties when I pulled back on my it came...and I was unbalanced ...not having expected this to happen.  ( Note to self: be prepared from now on)  ... scared the wholly stuffing out of me... and, as I landed...nearly under Comanche's belly...I was terrified I'd be stomped.  But no, my girl was absolutely stock still, and she looked down to say, what are you doing DOWN THERE?????........ I think she was truly surprised.... so, the point of this post prepared for anything!...No horse is truly bomb-proof... and, come to think of it.....neither are we... !    Happy Trails, Y'all!!!...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were okay.
    I was training my horse to stop when I jumped out of the saddle but I wasn't sure if he'd learned it yet. Then, my daughter rode him and didn't tighten the saddle enough. It slipped down and she fell off. He stopped and stood still for her as she scrambled out from under his legs. Boy, was I glad he learned his lessons.
