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Monday, May 17, 2010

My Friend Flicka................................

Well..... there's a new female in the stable..... her name is "Flicka".... she's a small black mare with a white star on her forehead.  She's kind of getting the worst of things, at the moment, as she's in a corral next to Reggie, the paint gelding, and Comanche'...   Reggie has a tendency to like to tussle with his neighbors... (that's NEIGH...bors)..... and, Comanche' thinks she's supposed to tell everybody what to do, and that she's the Empress of this territory.   So, poor Flicka has some spots on her behind that came from getting a little too close to the fence on either side of her.  She holds her own, though... she must like Reggie's she tends to stay close to his side, and not Comanche's.  Comanche' has a bit of a situation, in that she wants to rush the fence and show Flicka , that SHE is the boss in this neck of the woods.  So, I'm sure that her blood pressure is up from the stress...LOL.... if she'd JUST STOP ... wanting to be the Boss Mare... she and I would BOTH be better off!!.... But, here are some pics of the newbie...... and of Comanche's reaction to her new corral neighbor. 

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