Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Until next year...............
Well, the New Year drawth nigh...... I think that sort of how Old Will Shakesphere would have put it..... Humm... come to think of it... have you ever really met anyone lately named "Shakesphere"???? LOL... it was just a thought.... I have random thoughts pretty frequently, it seems. I do sometimes wonder where these come from.... maybe its sheer boredom...that brings these to mind, and yet, maybe.... I'm just terribly creative in my thinking..... Yeah... I like THAT thought much better. It makes me feel as though I'm NOT losing my marbles. Come to think of it... have I ever HAD marbles?.... No... not even to put in a pie shell to keep it from bubbling up as it baked. I hear some cooks use dried beans instead.... OH...see, how one thought leads to another? Another tangent strikes again!!! Well... that's a deep subject... darn... I did it again....LOL........... Ok.. I will try to stay on track.. Today, being one of the last few days of 2009.... brings to mind that a new year is in the wings.... Have you considered what you might like to do in 2010? I don't think of these as my resolutions... but, rather, my contemplations.... I think that I will want to concentrate on learning some new skills.... maybe learning how to take some really cool digital photos like Pony Girl manages to do ... and make it look so easy... Or to have some sort of Etsy shop and make creative things to put online to sell... or, maybe, I will try and start my Great American novel, that I've thought of doing before.... I did have a college professor once, who told me that my stories were good enough to be published. Blogging seems harder to me than writing fiction.... so, don't judge my stories on what I write here... LOL.... I'd like to be able to cook some of the super recipes I've seen on the foodie blogs I have frequented... but, better yet... I'd rather be invited to taste test their samples... I'm getting a little lazy in my older age... but my mouth works pretty good still.... Of course, eating samples of great food may interfere with my losing the weight I'd like to send elsewhere, every day of my life.... And... I think that I might like to find time to see the Grand Canyon this coming year. I have been past it at least 6 times... within 50 miles of it...but was on a time schedule that prevented me from getting any closer. But... maybe this coming summer.... who knows?..... As I said...contemplations.... you can sit and ponder.... now, what would I like to do in 2010?..... Got any ideas?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Hallelujah...!!!.... The King is Born!!!
I wish everyone a wonderful day, full of sweet memories and glad tidings..!!!.... I got to spend a really nice evening last night at the home of some friends... We had at least 25 people at this little gathering...and had a wonderful time, playing "Secret Santa"... and eating some great holiday food... Ham, spinach dip, a shrimp dip, crackers and chips... a dip with hot peppers (this IS New Mexico)....which, I tried and felt the burn in the back of my throat ALL the way down!!!............ We had Postole, which is a pork and hominy stew, with red chile' sauce... some sort of pudding that is a native egg pudding that made me think of an egg custard, but a little thinner.. but, was Delicious!!!...and as Rachel Ray would say.."Yum O".... a Spanish bread pudding, and various other tastes .... All in all, we had a very good time, although one of the teenage boys wound up with a small leather purse...LOL... which was really kind of funny... but not to him... LOL.. and I wound up with a 7 sized screwdriver, light included... so, in the end.. I traded the teener for his "man bag"...LOL... and he got the screwdriver... I rather like the little leather purse... its more like a little medicine bag with zippers.... and a long string for over the shoulder hanging. But the leather is soft and a mulberry color... just my style!!!............. so, it seems that it was meant to be...!... I gave my hostess a cookbook with Southern recipes, and she loved the gift!... she collects cookbooks as do I.......... even though I don't cook often for anyone, but myself...... I do love reading them like novels... then, I adapt my own cooking to what I have noticed and thought was a good idea. I even got a muffin cookbook for myself while I was at it!!!... I could live on muffins... I like the savory ones that are a meal all in themselves.....and you can brown bag them to work or to the stable for a quick snack. This one is chock full of good ideas. Its called ..1 mix, 100 muffins. by Susanna Tee. Today, I am planning on taking a few little gifts to friends that I didn't manage to see yesterday. Maybe there will be goodies and I'll be invited to partake of them.......LOL... you see my Plan, do you not????.................... Oh... and of course, my baby girl, Comanche' will be getting HER treat...of carrots, apples and peppermints.... maybe even a little oatmeal.......... she thinks the more treats , the better... Ok , have a great day, Y'all!!!!............. I have to find my sled and my reindeer!............. Catch you later on the flip side!!!!!..................... Shadow.......................
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Its almost Christmas Eve!!!
There's nothing like getting some Christmas "sugar"... which is what those of us from the South call a kiss...or a "smooch" in some locales. Comanche' seems to like getting her some least, she seems to take them seriously.... evidence in this picture...... I will be enjoying a visit to some friends tomorrow evening, and I think I'll make sure Comanche' is having a few peppermints before I go for my fun....... I wish everyone a wonderful time with your family and friends on this special holiday.......... if you are able to share the love of your family with others, then, please, do makes everyone's life brighter if love is shared............... Happy Memories!!!....and Warm Wishes, from Comanche' and Shadow...................................
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hats off to Ed!!!
I just received a wonderful email from a guy named Ed..... who told me that his plan for Christmas was to visit a nursing home to spend time with some of the residents there.... since he says... "I may be one myself, someday"... I think that's such a sweet thing for a man to do!..... Its very true that while some people DO have relatives, the family seems to forget that they are still here, in the flesh, and not only a forgotten memory. How totally sad this is, for those who are still competent, and yet, are trapped in the dreary existence of "waiting to die", at the typical nursing home...... Perhaps this is a kind of wake up call to the rest of us, who are in better situations.......... go and take some fruit baskets, or magazines...or whatever your heart fancies, that may make someone's heart lighter for the day!!!........ a warm lap blanket, or some hankerchiefs...or perhaps some sort of little gift that would be appreciated by those poor folks who are not remembered with love....
Monday, December 21, 2009
What 's Santa bringing you for Christmas???
Well.... I kind of would like to sit in ol' Santa's lap, whisper in his ear and wake up on Christmas morning to find a wonderful rancher type guy, under my tree....LOL.... or, better yet....out in a corral with a fantastic horse, waiting for me to wake up, so he can bring me some orange juice and bacon, biscuits and gravy that he'd made himself..(it never hurts for a guy to know his way around the kitchen, you know!!) ................ Ah.......... my favorite fantasy..... LOL............. Now, y'all.... if you have any nice relatives who fit this description.... let me know, OK?.... Oh... and, tell him.... Merry Christmas for me.....LOL....................... (hey, it never hurts to network!)................................. PS.... thanks!!! ...LOL...................................
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Want to live to be a really old cowboy????
Did you hear about the old cowboy who was asked by his young relative how he lived so long?.... He told the boy, to take a pinch of gunpowder in his oatmeal every morning... The young boy did this faithfully, and lived to be 110 years of age. He left behind 12 children, 21 grandchildren, 14 greatgrandchildren, and a 50 foot hole where the cremitorium used to stand...... LOL......
Peppermint Chocolates.... Taste of Home....
Now, if you can get a craving for Peppermint and Chocolate at the same time.....have I got a recipe for you!!! You need: 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips, 1 can (14 Oz.) of sweetened condensed milk, divided.... 1 cup vanilla or white chips....3 teaspoons of peppermint extract, and 2-3 drops of green food coloring. In a small saucepan, melt the chocolate chips in 3/4 cup of condensed milk over low heat, stirring occasionally. Line an 8 inch dish or pan with waxed paper, and then, butter the prevent sticking.Spread 1/2 of the chocolate mixture in the pan, and refrigerate for about 5 or 10 minutes to set the chocolate. Let the remaining chocolate cool at room temperature. In the meantime, in another saucepan, melt the white chips in the rest of the condensed milk and stir til smooth. Add the extract and the food coloring. Refrigerate this for 5 or 10 minutes also. Spread over the first chocolate layer, and then spread the last of the chocolate over the vanilla layer. Refrigerate til all layers are cool and set.. Cut into 1 inch pieces, and ENJOY!!!..... yields 5 dozen one inch pieces @ 51 calories each.
Only Nine Days Left Til Christmas!!!
I am planning on taking Comanche' some carrots and apple slices to her on Christmas ...and of course, her favorite treat....PEPPERMINTS!!! I swear, if she could just snatch the candy away from me, she'd eat wrapping and all... so, I am very careful to stay out of reach as I take the covering off.... she gently lips it out of my palm...and chomps with this "oh...I'm in Heaven" sort of expression.... If I'm not quick enough to give her this horse gourmet treat, she stands and flaps her lower lip up and down... LOL... as if to say.."Hurry UP!!!". I used to think chocolate was in the same category for most women.... I think I've moved past that...and now... my favorite is artichokes... marinated in oil....... Oh...yes... that's MY favorite snack.... LOL... I wonder just what that says about my hormones?....
Let's see if this works!!!
Ok.. I am hoping my computer skills have managed to improve a tiny bit...and maybe, I'll be able to get my pics up here... so..... ta da!!!!.....(did it work?)......
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Computer problems.... what's a girl to do????
well.. my Plan....was to post more of our cute elfie horses for my little Christmas post..... however, my aircard decided to die an early death on Monday morning...right after I said..."I'm going to post pics"..... it has taken me all of the past three days to get this fixed. Now, I have to figure out how to transfer my pics from my Picasa or my sprint this blog... There has to be a way..... I just have to find it.... Come to think of it.. I need to learn how to put my pics all in one place so I can access them easier. I am definitely not computer savvy.... I do have a little more savvy with other things to make up for my lack of computer skills, though. So, as soon as I can figure out how to post these very cute pics of our little horsey group... I will put them up... I now have two adorable waif kitty girls who came to live with me on Saturday.....their names are "Miss Sage" who has beautiful green eyes and "Sister Sara"...who has big golden eyes....I will try and get their pics up also... give me a few minutes!!!...LOL....
Monday, December 14, 2009
Its Christmas Time at the Stable..............
With the rememberance that Christmas time came from the original stable, when Our Lord was born in a Manger, as a tiny babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes... we realize that this is a very special time of year, to love and be loved by our family and friends... to bring gifts of thoughtfulness and wishes of health and happiness ... as the Magi did to the tiny babe.... symbolically we are promoting life itself......... and, the promise of Eternal life. We treasure our fine friends and family... our animal friends as well as our human ones. At the stable where Comanche' resides...are many wonderful horses........ For fun.... we dressed up for the holiday... I am posting some of the pics here, so you can see and enjoy these great animals... Shadow...........
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Its a Holly Jolly Christmas!!!
Well... its almost Christmas....and here, in the Southwest...the illuminarias are being put up on top of all the flat top adobe roofs...or on the edges of the courtyard walls... I managed to find a little time to dress up as Santa...and Comanche' became my Elfie girl.... She loved dressing up and didn't even have a halter on, to make her stay still with the hat on her head. LOL... she loves to dress up and be a girly girl.... and ham it up for the camera. We are both hoping everyone will have a great holiday and a wonderful new year!!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Comanche' and her video
I have made a short video about Comanche' and me... now..all I have to do is figure out how to post it on this blog... LOL... I am definitely NOT a computer nerd. I will attempt my next "magic trick" and see if the video shows up. By the way... I am going to be a guest blogger soon...maybe next week on another blog. We will see how this turns out. She actually inspired me to begin this blog. She keeps up much better with hers than I do with mine however..........................wish me luck!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Comanche' came into my life in a very strange way....... I had reached my fifty second birthday. I was thinking about what I really would like to do and have for a celebration. I suddenly realized, that one of the things I had always wanted, but had forgotten, in the course of my busy life, was the chance to have a horse of my own. I had not ridden in a very long time, truly, not since I was a teenager... other than a few moments on rare occasion. I knew that I wanted a particular breed, either a paint, or an appaloosa. I wanted a native american horse... and it had to have a name that fit. I thought of many names... however, the one that truly kept coming back to mind, was "Comanche''.... I decided that would be what I called the horse, once I found it, no matter what its real name would be. I really didn't put much effort into looking for a horse, other than perusing a few ads in a local nickle newspaper.... But, one day, I was heading out of the Rockies, where I lived, on a trip into Denver. I saw a red barn roof, off the highway , on a side road. I wondered if it was a private barn, or a boarding stable. I had a few minutes to spare, and decided to explore and see what the answer was... It turned out to be a boarding barn, and I thought, I will go inside and ask if any horses are for sale. The manager did not even know what kind of horse I was searching for... I just asked, "Do you know of any horses for sale?".... He led me down to a beautiful young mare, standing behind the stall door, watching us, with huge eyes, lined with dark black markings. I looked down at her registry name on the stall door.. It said... Comanche's Lunar Nova... OH !!!... I was shocked!!!.... I felt it was a sign from God.... The man proceeded to tell me that the mare was worth 6 or 7000 dollars. I told him.."I can't afford that" disappointment rolled over me... He said, "Let's call"... So, we called the owner and I made an appointment to meet with her. I went to see her on the appointed day...and as she sat and spoke about the mare's breeding and her value, I spoke and said, "I cannot afford that".... She asked, "What do you have to spend?".... I told her a very low amount...expecting her to laugh me out of the house. It was a humble moment to have to admit I wasn't able to pay the amount that the mare was worth. But, the owner sat and didn't say a word for a moment or so. Probably shocked by my audacity and my admission of lack of funds. Then, she said..."OK''.... I want her to go to someone who will love her". ... I want you to know, she got her wish. I love that horse, and she loves me... I do believe that Comanche' even knew who I was, the first moment I came up and saw her. I know that God gave me the best birthday present I could ever have asked for, and enjoyed. She was being called Luna, by the previous owner, and the barn personell. I thought of Luna as reminding me of the emergency room on a bad night, when all the crazies come in... I'm an RN, so I didn't want to call her that. I do believe she also didn't like being called Luna..... she knew her name was Comanche' and would come to me when I called her name within the first few days. I think she is so special. And she's as smart as a whip!... I am so grateful that I have her. She is my Baby girl.... and she knows it!
Introducing Comancheshadow

Introducing myself..... Hello! I am Shadow..... How I became "Comancheshadow" is a bit of a play on words, as I am , in truth, Comanche's Shadow..... I own a beautiful foundation Appaloosa, who is registered as Comanche's Lunar Nova, with the Appaloosa Horse Club, in Moscow, Idaho. She was Breeder's Trust when I found her and was a beautiful 4.5 year old filly, at a local boarding barn, in Colorado, where I lived at that time. She was living there at the barn, and waiting for me to find her, I am certain of it. I feel as if we were meant to be together. I had also been waiting on her, apparently. I had once had a white quarter-arab as a child to ride, when I was only 4 years old, myself, and while I had ridden my cousin's horse as a teenager, once I reached adulthood, riding had taken a backseat in my life.
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